Simplifying CSS with

I recently did some web design work in collaboration with a graphic designer. She introduced me to what has become my latest favorite piece of CSS code: is a CSS grid framework, similar in spirit to Blueprint CSS and YUI Grid. However, is at once more minimalist than these approaches, and more thorough.

The author has a detailed blog post explaining his motivations for working on, so I won’t rehash each of those. Instead, I’ll just dive into what I liked about it.

  1. Very simple and comprehensible name choices for CSS classes: You can see their demo page (view its source) for examples, but I can even summarize the approach in a few short sentences. You begin a grid container with a container_XX class, where XX is the number of total grid columns in the container. Every child element has a grid_XX class, which is the number of columns (aka colspan) for that element. All grid_XX elements should add up to the XX amount in the container if you are using all the grid elements available. To use larger gutter widths, you can use prefix_XX and suffix_XX classes. Finally, for any child grid elements, you need to mark the first one with an alpha class and the last one with an omega class — this is necessary to get rid of left/right margins on starting and ending elements.
  2. Excellent CSS generator: this online CSS generator tool lets you generate CSS that is just right for your website.
  3. jQuery-based bookmarklet for double-checking grid layouts: another online tool is a bookmarklet which will “inject” a customizable grid overlay on any existing site, to help with alignment.
  4. Templates for every major design tool: I saved the best for last. Nathan’s focus in designing was to allow better collaboration between trained graphic designers (whose tools are typically Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, etc.) and trained web designers (whose tools are things like Rails, Grails, Django). To ease this collaboration, the author provides templates for every major graphic design tool that has “grid overlays” compatible with the framework.

Finally, the entire project is hosted on bitbucket and developed in the open. What more could you ask for? This has really simplified my approach to standard CSS designs.

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