Politics in early hours

I just had a long political discussion with Josh who was visiting New York for the weekend. It went on until just 20 minutes ago, till 5 am. Wow.

I guess the discourse is still alive. Somewhere.

Meanwhile, when I got home i couldn’t help eyeing websites like DemocracyInAction and GetActive, and thinking, that’s where I want to work.

We’ll see. To sleep, for now.

2 thoughts on “Politics in early hours”

  1. The “Real Time” update is coming soon. I haven’t forgotten (and if you get a chance, you MUST hear Maher’s closing remarks on what to do with the “new” New Orleans).


  2. I caught it, actually. I just got my personal DVR working, which means I’ve been recording all the shows I usually miss (namely, The Daily Show, Bill Maher, and for the only “mainstream” press I can bare, Lou Dobbs on CNN).

    If you have any other recommendations for shows to record, shoot them my way. I’m trigger happy with this thing. (Been recording Family Guy, for example, to take it easy).

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