John Ralston Saul on Lou Dobbs: Globalism is Dead?

I posted this DivX clip of John Ralston Saul being interviewed on Lou Dobbs. The segment is called, “Globalism is Dead.” You really must watch this, even though it’s a 33MB download (if you’re at NYU, it’ll be a LAN download):

Click here to download the clip.

Also, I realized that this post raises an issue: what is “fair use” in video clips off news programs? Am I violating copyright law posting this clip? I always think about how I wouldn’t hesitate to post a link to an interview written in the NYTimes, or even to post a few paragraphs of such an article on my blog reprinted with a citation. But since this is video, and news networks try to place arbitrary value on their video content, it seems like I’d be violating copyright law.

Anyway, if anyone from CNN & co. is reading this and really wants me to take it down, I will. But I expect a nice explanation of why, legally, I’m obliged to do so, and I will reprint any demand to take down the video on this website.

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