Library, woe is me; at least vim has lots of plugins

At the library for yet another full day, reading operating systems papers. This time, however, I kept getting really bored (can you blame me?), and I kept thinking about so many other things. They take so long to read, so much attention… I have so little to give. I don’t even have my laptop here, and I only spent the last 30 minutes on a computer.

This is my “break,” searching for vim plugins:

ZoomWin for maximizing a buffer temporarily, MiniBufferExplorer for switching buffers (Matt would probably like that one), Project Explorer for “favorite files”, ShowMarks for finding marks you set in a file, SearchComplete’s tab completion for searching (s/bla/bla2/g), cppcomplete for code completion (Matt says it rocks, like intellisense for C/C++/Java)…

I think I’ll actually install most of those (provided they work as advertised).

I think for C# programming all one needs to do is modify JavaBrowser and cppcomplete the recognize all of C#’s syntax, and we’d be all set C#-wise. Hell, maybe I’ll even do it next month.