
While programming today, I came up with some nice vim bindings. If you use vim, and want tags-powered “intellisense-like” stuff, use this. Also thrown in there are hotkeys for :Tlist (indispensible vim plugin) and saving quickly (I save often, so I like to have a single key in either normal or insert mode).

" intellisense - yea well close enough
noremap <F2> mz<C-w>1]
noremap <F3> <C-w>c`za
noremap <F4> <C-w>11_

" for insert mode, goes back to unmatched brace
" so it's good for function prototype lookups
inoremap <F2> <ESC>mz 999[(b<C-w>1]

" tlist hotkeys
noremap <F8> :Tlist<CR>
noremap <F9> :TlistUpdate<CR>

" save hotkey for normal and insert modes
noremap <F10> :w<CR>
inoremap <F10> <ESC>:w<CR>a