Real-time Streams & Logs
Andrew Montalenti, CTO
Andrew Montalenti, CTO
Analytics for digital storytellers.
Queues: RabbitMQ => Redis => ZeroMQ
Workers: Cron Jobs => Celery
Traditional queues (e.g. RabbitMQ / Redis):
(Hint: ZeroMQ trades these problems for another: unreliability.)
... we had to add more workers and queues!
Got harder and harder to develop on "the entire stack".
More code devoted to ops, rather than business logic.
Scaling Out: From 2010-2012, went from 3 to 80 nodes running in Rackspace Cloud.
Scaling Up: From 2012-2013, ran a custom data center with 1 terabyte of RAM.
Scaling In: From 2013-2014, started building support for more nuanced metrics.
Running multiple redundant data centers.
Need to ship real-time data everywhere.
Including data-identical production, staging, beta.
New schema designs and new DB technologies, too.
Feature | Description |
Speed | 100's of megabytes of reads/writes per sec from 1000's of clients |
Durability | Can use your entire disk to create a massive message backlog |
Scalability | Cluster-oriented design allows for horizontal machine scaling |
Availability | Cluster-oriented design allows for node failures without data loss (in 0.8+) |
Multi-consumer | Many clients can read the same stream with no penalty |
Concept | Description |
Topic | A group of related messages (a stream) |
Producer | Procs that publish msgs to stream |
Consumer | Procs that subscribe to msgs from stream |
Broker | An individual node in the Cluster |
Cluster | An arrangement of Brokers & Zookeeper nodes |
Offset | Coordinated state between Consumers and Brokers (in Zookeeper) |
Topics are logs, not queues.
Consumers read into offsets of the log.
Consumers do not "eat" messages.
Logs are maintained for a configurable period of time.
Messages can be "replayed".
Consumers can share identical logs easily.
Even if Kafka's availability and scalability story isn't interesting to you, the multi-consumer story should be.
Traditional queues (e.g. RabbitMQ / Redis):
Kafka solves all of these problems.
import logging
# generic Zookeeper library
from kazoo.client import KazooClient
#'s open source Kafka client library
from samsa.cluster import Cluster
log = logging.getLogger('test_capture_pageviews')
def _connect_kafka():
zk = KazooClient()
cluster = Cluster(zk)
queue = cluster\
return queue
def pageview_stream():
queue = _connect_kafka()
count = 0
for msg in queue:
count += 1
if count % 1000 == 0:
# in this example, offsets are committed to
# Zookeeper every 1000 messages
urlref, url, ts = parse_msg(msg)
yield urlref, url, ts
Kafka solves my Queue problem, but what about Workers?
How do I transform streams with streaming computation?
Even with a unified log, workers will proliferate data transformations.
These transformations often have complex dependencies:
... everything is peachy!
When I have all my data available, I can just run Map/Reduce jobs.
Problem solved.
We use Apache Pig, and I can get all the gurantees I need, and scale up on EMR.
... but, no ability to do this in real-time on the stream! :(
Storm is a distributed real-time computation system.
Hadoop provides a set of general primitives for doing batch processing.
Storm provides a set of general primitives for doing real-time computation.
Durable Data Set, typically from S3.
HDFS used for inter-process communication.
Mappers & Reducers; Pig's JobFlow is a DAG.
JobTracker & TaskTracker manage execution.
Tuneable parallelism + built-in fault tolerance.
Streaming Data Set, typically from Kafka.
ZeroMQ used for inter-process communication.
Bolts & Spouts; Storm's Topology is a DAG.
Nimbus & Workers manage execution.
Tuneable parallelism + built-in fault tolerance.
Feature | Description |
Speed | 1,000,000 tuples per second per node, using Kyro and ZeroMQ |
Fault Tolerance | Workers and Storm management daemons self-heal in face of failure |
Parallelism | Tasks run on cluster w/ tuneable parallelism |
Guaranteed Msgs | Tracks lineage of data tuples, providing an at-least-once guarantee |
Easy Code Mgmt | Several versions of code in a cluster; multiple languages supported |
Local Dev | Entire system can run in "local mode" for end-to-end testing |
Concept | Description |
Stream | Unbounded sequence of data tuples with named fields |
Spout | A source of a Stream of tuples; typically reading from Kafka |
Bolt | Computation steps that consume Streams and emits new Streams |
Grouping | Way of partitioning data fed to a Bolt; for example: by field, shuffle |
Topology | Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) describing Spouts, Bolts, & Groupings |
Concept | Description |
Tasks | The process/thread corresponding to a running Bolt/Spout in a cluster |
Workers | The JVM process managing work for a given physical node in the cluster |
Supervisor | The process monitoring the Worker processes on a single machine |
Nimbus | Coordinates work among Workers/Supervisors; maintains cluster stats |
Tuple tree, anchoring, and retries.
A slice of Twitter clickstream (urls.json):
{"urlref": "",
"url": "",
"ts": "2014-01-01T08:01:000Z"}
{"urlref": "",
"url": "",
"ts": "2014-01-01T08:02:000Z"}
{"urlref": "",
"url": "",
"ts": "2014-01-01T08:03:000Z"}
{"urlref": "",
"url": "",
"ts": "2014-01-01T08:04:000Z"}
Several billion such records (with much more variety) can be processed to find tweets driving high amounts of traffic to news publishers.
urls = LOAD 'urls.json'
USING JsonLoader(
'url:chararray, urlref:chararray, ts:chararray');
url_group = GROUP urls BY url;
url_count = FOREACH url_group
GENERATE group, COUNT_STAR(urls) as clicks;
DUMP url_count;
--> (, 4)
(defcluster pig-cluster
:master-instance-type "m1.large"
:slave-instance-type "m1.large"
:num-instances 2
:keypair "emr_jobs"
:enable-debugging? false
:bootstrap-action.1 [
(s3-libs "/pig/pig-script")
["--base-path" (s3-libs "/pig/")
"--install-pig" "--pig-versions" "latest"]
:runtime-jar (s3-libs "/script-runner/script-runner.jar")
(defstep twitter-count-step
:args.positional [
(s3-libs "/pig/pig-script")
"--base-path" (s3-libs "/pig/")
"--pig-versions" "latest"
"--run-pig-script" "--args"
"-f" "s3://pystorm/url_counts.pig"
(fire! pig-cluster twitter-count-step)
;; Python Spout implementation:
;; - fetches tweets (e.g. from Kafka)
;; - emits (urlref, url, ts) tuples
["python" ""]
;; Stream declaration:
["urlref" "url" "ts"]
import storm
import time
class TwitterClickSpout(storm.Spout):
def nextTuple(self):
urlref = ""
url = ""
ts = "2014-03-10T08:00:000Z"
storm.emit([urlref, url, ts])
;; Bolt input: Spout and field grouping on urlref
{"twitter-click-spout" ["urlref"]}
;; Python Bolt implementation:
;; - maintains a Counter of urlref
;; - increments as new clicks arrive
["python" ""]
;; Emits latest click count for each tweet as new Stream
["twitter_link" "clicks"]
:p 4
import storm
from collections import Counter
class TwitterCountBolt(storm.BasicBolt):
def initialize(self, conf, context):
self.counter = Counter()
def process(self, tup):
urlref, url, ts = tup.values
self.counter[urlref] += 1
# new count emitted to stream upon increment
storm.emit([urlref, self.counter[urlref]])
(defn run-local! []
(let [cluster (LocalCluster.)]
;; submit the topology configured above
(.submitTopology cluster
;; topology name
;; topology settings
;; topology configuration
;; sleep for 5 seconds before...
(Thread/sleep 5000)
;; shutting down the cluster
(.shutdown cluster)
Tool Usage ELB + nginx scalable data collection across web S3 cheap, redundant storage of logs Scrapy customizable crawling & scraping MongoDB sharded, replicated historical data Redis real-time data; past 24h, minutely SolrCloud content indexing & trends Storm* real-time distributed task queue Kafka* multi-consumer data integration Pig* batch network data analysis
Component Current Ideal Real-time Storm + Redis Storm + Mongo Historical Pig/Storm + Mongo Evolved Mongo Schema Visitor Pig only Pig/Storm + Cassandra
Component Current Ideal Recommendations Queues + Workers Storm + Solr? Crawling Queues + Workers Storm + Scrapy? Pig Mgmt Pig + boto lemur? Storm Mgmt petrel pystorm?
Company Logs Workers Kafka* Samza Kafka Storm* Spotify Kafka Storm Wikipedia Kafka Storm Outbrain Kafka Storm LivePerson Kafka Storm Netflix Kafka ???
Company Logs Workers Yahoo S4 S4 Amazon Kinesis ??? ??? Millwheel* Scribe* ??? UC Berkeley RDDs* Spark*
Opportunity for Python & Clojure to work together.
Python: core computations & DB persistence.
fabric: deployment & remote server management.
Clojure: interop with JVM infrastructure: Storm & Hadoop.
lein: manage Java's classpath & packaging nightmare.
Two years ago, EC2's biggest memory box had 68GB of RAM & spinning disks. In early 2014, Amazon launched their i2 instance types:
Instance RAM SSD (!) Cores i2.8xlarge 244 GB 6.4 TB 32 i2.4xlarge 122 GB 3.2 TB 16 i2.2xlarge 61 GB 1.6 TB 8
It's the golden age of analytics.
Go forth and stream!